Future Tourism App You Won’t Want to Leave Home Without

Future Tourism App You Won’t Want to Leave Home Without

Geneva, Switzerland, July 25, 2020 / TRAVELINDEX / WISeKey International Holding Ltd. (WISeKey), a leading global cybersecurity and IoT company, today announced the launch of WISeTravel, a free app for travelers.

The world is facing a new normal. The COVID-19 global pandemic and the intensifying climate crisis are creating disruptions, threats and challenges to people and planet on an unprecedented scale.

Travel and Tourism, which drives 10% of the global economy, was brought to a standstill by COVID-19 and like so much of our familiar world, it will be very different in the future. There is a massive and chaotic scale, scope and pace of change. The sector is struggling to build recovery strategies amidst great uncertainty. Travelers are confused by the overlapping stop-go dynamics of global and local responses, and increasingly they demand health-compliant, green, climate friendly options.

WISeTravel, a consortium led by WISeKey SA (CH) and Climate Friendly Travel Services (UK/BE) has developed a digital innovation to help consumers navigate the uncertainty and enjoy new travel experiences:

A free App for travelers – branded for stakeholders
➔ A Secure Wallet for all information a traveler needs on a trip
➔ A unique, heavily protected Digital Travel Identity
➔ A Health compartment for essential certificates
➔ A Safe Travel compartment with holders of WTTC’s safe travel stamp
➔ A Carbon Accounting compartment for personal GHG offsets
➔ A Green compartment showcasing responsible companies & communities
➔ A Climate compartment showing the SUNx Malta Climate Neutral Registry

The “Swiss Army Knife for the New Normal Traveler”, keeping all essential travel items in one secure digital wallet.

I’ll never leave home without it. Carlos Creus Moreira, Co-Chair Prof. Geoffrey H. Lipman, Co-Chair Christoph H.L. Klenner, CEO

About WISeTravel
WISeTravel is a consortium led by Swiss technology company WISeKey and the British-Belgian Climate Friendly Travel Services group. WISeTravel is developing cutting edge technology solutions and applications for the travel and tourism industry of the future. WISeTravel is co-chaired by technology leader, Carlos Creus Moreira and tourism industry visionary, Prof. Geoffrey Lipman. WISeTravel’s CEO, Christoph Klenner, led Europe’s travel technology organization, EU Travel Tech, for more than a decade.

About WISeKey
WISeKey (NASDAQ: WKEY; SIX Swiss Exchange: WIHN) is a leading global cybersecurity company currently deploying large scale digital identity ecosystems for people and objects using Blockchain, AI and IoT respecting the Human as the Fulcrum of the Internet. WISeKey microprocessors secure the pervasive computing shaping today’s Internet of Everything. WISeKey IoT has an install base of over 1.5 billion microchips in virtually all IoT sectors (connected cars, smart cities, drones, agricultural sensors, anti-counterfeiting, smart lighting, servers, computers, mobile phones, crypto tokens etc.). WISeKey is uniquely positioned to be at the edge of IoT as our semiconductors produce a huge amount of Big Data that, when analyzed with Artificial Intelligence (AI), can help industrial applications to predict the failure of their equipment before it happens.

Our technology is Trusted by the OISTE/WISeKey’s Swiss based cryptographic Root of Trust (“RoT”) provides secure authentication and identification, in both physical and virtual environments, for the Internet of Things, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence. The WISeKey RoT serves as a common trust anchor to ensure the integrity of online transactions among objects and between objects and people.

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